Suggested Steps for Improving Intimacy


Sexual activity is a frequent casualty of CFS and FM, but here are three ways adapt your sexual life to CFS or FM or to connect with your partner in other ways.

Step 1: Accept Likelihood of Adapting Sexual Activity
Everyone responding to a survey of people in the self-help program said that they had reduced their sexual activity becuase of CFS/FM, but most had found ways to adapt their sexual life to their illness or to connect with their partner in other ways.  

Step 2: Use Experimentation and Flexibility
Given the often unpredictable course of CFS/FM, it's appropriate to experiment and to have flexibility. People in the self-help program reported experimenting with when sex occurs and what positions and activities are involved. Some plan "dates"  and make strategic use of pain medications and hormones,
Step 3: Emphasis on Caring 
Focus on closeness and mutual caring. This may involve sharing time together, touching, caressing, and cuddling or perhaps just being supportive and doing things for each other.