Step 1: Change Sleep Habits and Environment
Most people can improve their sleep by changing their sleep habits. Do any of the following apply to you? If so, use the strategies described in Sleep Environment & Habits.
- Irregular hours for going to bed or getting up / no schedule
- Noisy environment
- Lack of control over light and temperature
- Tension and worry
- Uncomfortable bed
- Noisy sleeping partner
- Not allowing time to wind down
- Eating or drinking caffeinated products too close to bedtime
Step 2: Try Sleep Medications
If improved sleep hygiene still leaves you unrefreshed, consider working with your doctor to find one or more medications to help you sleep better. A common solution is to use one drug to initiate sleep and another to maintain sleep.
Step 3: Treat Sleep Disorders
If your sleep doesn’t improve despite better sleep hygiene and the use of medications, consider asking your doctor for a referral to a sleep specialist, who can test you for sleep disorders.