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A health log can help you in at least four ways. You can use records to:
Control Symptoms
A health log offers a way to understand the fluctuations in your symptoms. For example, your log may help you understand how different factors contribute to your feeling better or worse. In addition to physical activity, these may include emotional events, stress, social activity, sensory information and time of day. Records can show how the effects of activity may be delayed for several hours to one or two days.
Motivate Yourself
Records can also be an important source of motivation and inspiration. Seeing written proof that activity level affects symptoms can provide a stimulus to stick with pacing.
Get a Reality Check
Records can also function like a mirror, offering a reality check. One person in the self-help program said, “Logging brings home to me the reality of my illness. Now that I know my limits, I am less ambitious.” Another person uses a visual record keeping system to help her pace herself. She rates each day, records her rating using colored dots and changes course based on color. Green means a good day, proceed on course. Yellow means caution, slow down. Red means stop: intense symptoms, time to go to bed.
Explain Your Illness & Document Disability
Lastly, you can use records in discussions with physicians and in substantiating a claim for disability. Health records can document your functional level and show changes over time.
Where to Go Next 
For several examples of logs and instructions for using them, see the chapter on logs and worksheets in the self-help program textbook. Also, you can find printable logs through the Logs, Forms and Worksheets  page on the program website.